Prof. dr hab.


Katedra Automatyzacji




Zatrudnienie w Politechnice Lubelskiej

Katedra Automatyzacji


od 1 września 2016 do dnia dzisiejszego

Instytut Technologicznych Systemów Informacyjnych od 1 października 2014 do 31 sierpnia 2016
Katedra Mechaniki Stosowanej od 1 września 1994 do 30 września 2014

Aktualnie: Kierownik Katedry Automatyzacji od 2016


CV of prof. Grzegorz Litak

Dr Grzegorz Litak was born (1963) in Lublin, Poland. He completed his M.Sc. degree in physics at Maria Curie Skłodowska University (UMCS) in Lublin, Poland in 1988. Later, working on the effect of disorder on correlated and exotic superconductors, he received his Ph.D (1994) and D.Sc (2002) degrees from the same University. After defending his Ph.D thesis he moved to Lublin University of Technology where he is presently working as a full professor. From that time he also started his research on nonlinear dynamics. He focused on bifurcation theory, chaotic dynamics and nonlinear time series analysis. Recently, he was also involved in research on mechanical energy harvesting, focusing on frequency broadband effects. While working at the Lublin University of Technology, in 2014, he received the professor title in the field of technical sciences. In 2016-2018 he was also a professor at the AGH University of Science and Technology. G. Litak is an expert on nonlinear and complex phenomena. G. Litak published over 300 papers including about 250 in international journals. He actively collaborates with many researchers from various countries around the world. Presently, he is a member of the Polish Physical Society, European Physical Society, Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and Euromech. Prof. Litak was an organizer and invited speaker of many international conferences. He promoted 5 doctors in the field of mechanics and machine construction. He was also the contractor and manager of many national and international projects.

List of the recent selected 10 publications:

  1. X Ma, H Li, S Zhou, Z Yang, G Litak, Characterizing nonlinear characteristics of asymmetric tristable energy harvesters, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 168, 108612 (2022)
  2. J Margielewicz, D Gąska, G Litak, P Wolszczak, D Yurchenko, Nonlinear dynamics of a new energy harvesting system with quasi-zero stiffness, Applied Energy 307, 118159 (2022)
  3. B Ambrozkiewicz, A Syta, A Gassner, A Georgiadis, G Litak, N Meier, The influence of the radial internal clearance on the dynamic response of self-aligning ball bearings, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 171, 108954 (2022)
  4. D Yurchenko, P Alevras, S Zhou, J Wang, G Litak, O Gaidai, R Ye, Nonlinear vibration mitigation of a crane’s payload using pendulum absorber, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 156, 107558 (2021)
  5. C Yang, J Yang, D Zhou, S Zhang, G Litak, Adaptive stochastic resonance in bistable system driven by noisy NLFM signal: phenomenon and application, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 379, 20200239 (2021).
  6. G Litak, J Margielewicz, D Gaska, D Yurchenko, K Dabek, Dynamic response of the spherical pendulum subjected to horizontal Lissajous excitation, Nonlinear Dynamics 102, 2125-2142 (2020).
  7. J Wang, S Gu, C Zhang, G Hu, G Chen, Y Lai, K Yang, H Li, G Litak, D Yurchenko, Hybrid wind energy scavenging by coupling vortex-induced vibrations and galloping, Energy Conversion and Management 213, 112835 (2020).
  8. G Litak, A Syta, G Wasilewski, G Kudra, J Awrejcewicz, Dynamical response of a pendulum driven horizontally by a DC motor with a slider–crank mechanism, Nonlinear Dynamics 99, 1923–1935 (2020).
  9. J Margielewicz, D Gąska, G Litak, Modelling of gear backlash, Nonlinear Dynamics 97, 355-368 (2019).
  10. D Huang, S Zhou, G Litak, Theoretical analysis of multi-stable energy harvesters with high order stiffness terms, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 69, 270-286 (2019).

Present reseach

We study the impact of nonlinear effects on energy harvesting systems that obtain energy from the vibrations occurring in the external environment, originating from both natural processes and those caused by human activity. We explore small energy production devices utilizing phenomena of piezoelectric, electromagnetic, and electrostatic interactions.


Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17